About Us

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As a little girl, I grew up surrounded by a family full of food lovers and bakers! For as long as I can remember I was always in the kitchen with my Mum and Nanny, baking and cooking - all things savoury and sweet. That’s exactly where my passion for baking began!

My childhood memories are filled with the love and laughter that radiated from the kitchen. Some of my most precious moments were birthday’s. Every year, my mum laboured in the kitchen to make me the most special birthday cake she could, pouring love in to that cake with each turn of the whisk and with each decoration she made. The hours that she spent making the perfect cakes for me never went unnoticed and my favourite part of any birthday party has always been THE CAKE!

The excitement I felt every year only grew as I became an adult and had children of my own. I love to the see the looks on peoples faces when they see what my two hands, a dash of creativity and a pinch of love can create. They say if you love what you do then you never work a day in your life. My small sparks of excitement and passion grew in to a business that allows me to light up your parties too.

Welcome to Pretty Little Cakes!